Arkopolis, an ark of eternal youth and culture

Arkopolis, an ark of eternal youth and culture

1. Elefsina and culture

Elefsina is one of the five most important sacred cities of antiquity, the city of the Elefsinian Mysteries and birthplace of Aeschylus, Eleusis.

Selçuklu heals with culture

Selçuklu heals with culture

1. Selçuklu and culture

Selçuklu, the district with the highest population in Konya with 682 514 inhabitants, is the first in the socio-economic development ranking and the center of attraction of the city.

Strengthen the human capital of culture bearer

Strengthen the human capital of culture bearer

1. Kütahya and culture

Kütahya is a city in western Türkiye with 578,640 inhabitants. It is the capital of tile art and a city of ceramics. It is also a typical intermediary city due to its cultural heritage, location, economy and urban policy.

Cultural heritage and community engagement during the pandemic

Cultural heritage and community engagement during the pandemic

1. San Antonio and culture

San Antonio is a city of Texas (United States of America) with a population of 1,4 million inhabitants. San Antonio has the 7th largest population in the United States, the 2nd largest in Texas, and is one of the nation’s fastest growing cities.

Qingdao’s cultural and creative industrial park

Qingdao’s cultural and creative industrial park

1. Context

Qingdao is an important coastal and international port city. As of 2018, the city has seven districts and three countylevel cities and a permanent population of 9394,800.

San Antonio advancing SDGs through cultural heritage

San Antonio advancing SDGs through cultural heritage

1. Context

San Antonio is the seventh largest city in the United States of America and second largest city in the state of Texas. Approximately 3% of the city (roughly 13,000 parcels) is designated as historic.

Points of culture in Panama

Points of culture in Panama


Panama City was founded 500 years ago and is the oldest European settlement in the Pacific Abya Yala region.

On your marks, get set, sing!

On your marks, get set, sing!


With a population of 279,284, the city is the eighth-largest in France, and is located within a greater metropolitan area of some 500,000.