Cultrual rights: The Culture Programme in the Territory
1. Terrassa and culture
Terrassa is located at the foot of the Sant Llorenç de Munt park and is home to 224,111 people. It is the co-capital of the Vallès Occidental region and the third-largest city in Catalonia in terms of population. It is a university and industrial city with a strong social fabric, as well as a cultural and artistic heritage.
Terrassa is territorially divided into seven districts with a total of forty neighbourhoods. The unequal development of the neighbourhoods over the years has generated considerable socioeconomic inequalities; some have increased in recent years, creating low income areas, lower housing quality, and urban deficits.
“Culture in the Territory” began in 2006 as a shock strategy to decentralize culture and expand it throughout the city.
2. Project goals and implementation
2.1. Main goal and specific objectives
Culture in the Territory began in 2006 as a shock strategy to decentralize culture and expand it throughout the city. It was conceived as a stable cultural initiative with a special emphasis on regional actions and community participation. Given that the city’s cultural facilities are located mainly in the downtown core, the participation and involvement of civil society in the development and implementation of a cultural program for the whole territory was a priority. The objective was to begin to give the city’s neighbourhoods their own sense of identity by linking them to cultural actions from the perspective of understanding culture as an element of inclusion, well-being, and social cohesion.
2.2. Project development
All of the following actions that make up the Culture in the Territory program are carried out in collaboration with neighbourhood associations:
- JAZZ NEARBY: 7 free jazz concerts in the city’s civic and neighbourhood centres whose attendance in 2019 reached 1800 people. During the concerts, educational elements are promoted, with simple musical and stylistic¡ explanations.
- LOCALES STAGES: Project to support and disseminate the city’s many amateur theatre companies in civic centres and theatres throughout different neighbourhoods. It had 11 events scheduled in 2019 and an attendance of 1345 people.
- CLASSICAL SOUNDS: Project to raise awareness and understanding of classical music, through a series of concerts accompanied by an explanation that provides information both in terms of musical training and repertoire. The concerts are held mainly in civic centres and libraries. In 2019, they were attended by 392 people.
- TERRASSA STREET ART (TSA): The project uses the arts, especially music, as a tool for integration and social cohesion. It had 6 events scheduled in 2019 and an attendance of 600 people.
- FEM ESTIU (LET’S DO SUMMER): Cultural and community revitalization project that takes place during the summer months in public squares and other open spaces in the city. It had 40 events scheduled in 2019 and an attendance of 11.456 people.
- TERRASSA ART AND EDUCATION LAB: Project that relates contemporary art, pedagogy, and the regional contexts through different avenues, including schools (educators and students), cultural institutions (municipal staff and cultural space managers), creators (artists, designers...), and neighbourhoods (places, spaces, environments, or specific territories of the city). It had 3 events scheduled in 2019 and an attendance of 450 people.
- GAUDÍ CATALAN FILM TOUR: a project organized in conjunction with the Catalan Film Academy, to create more awareness of cinema produced in Catalonia. With the aim of bringing cinema to other areas of the city, it is hosted in decentralized spaces in order to attract new audiences and make film culture more accessible. It had 15 events scheduled in 2019 and an attendance of 529 people.
- THE THIRD LANDSCAPE: This project is committed to improving the urban environment through the visual arts and invites artists to select and intervene in the city’s blank walls, positioning the walls creative spaces where unique urban art projects can be carried out.
- TERRASSA VIBRA: Terrassa Vibra is an initiative that seeks to enhance the presence of live music in the streets of the city, as well as to promote and lend visibility to emerging music, thereby creating awareness of the creative potential of local musicians. It had 9 events scheduled in 2019.
- “ROCK’IN”: “Rock’in” project for teaching music in secondary schools based on the teaching of modern music, taking advantage of the possibilities of new technologies.
- “YOU ARE CULTURE” CARD: A pioneering initiative that makes cultural events accessible to children and young people at daily centres around Terrassa. It is a free, nominal card so that any child and young person, accompanied by their family, can attend the city’s arts events season free of charge.
In 2022, the Culture in the Territory program had a budget of €119,250.00.
All of the following actions that make up the culture in the territory program are carried out in collaboration with neighbourhood associations.
3. Impacts
3.1. Direct impacts
The “Culture in the Territory” program has established credibility while inspiring motivation and trust among tertiary sector entities, companies, artists, audiences, and citizens, creating new hubs throughout the city and enabling local development. Participation in the project has increased over the years, becoming capable of generating collaborative networks that function autonomously. Not only is the growth of audiences for cultural events significant, but the development of the artistic and creative sector, which has strengthened the ecosystem of culture and the arts in the city, is vital.
3.2. Assessment
The indicators used to evaluate the results are grouped into assessment criteria that address the level of achievement of the commitments undertaken in the 2019-2023 Government Plan.
3.3. Key factors
The key factors for this program’s success are the ways in which it can:
- Recognize and celebrate cultural diversity
- Integrate and enable the active participation of all citizens.
- Promote projects carried out in disadvantaged neighbourhoods
- Ensure decent working conditions for artists and creators
- Integrate perspectives in all events on issues related to: Gender, Accessibility, and Sustainability.
3.4. Continuity
Culture in the Territory has been active for over fifteen years and still looks to the future, continuously incorporating new projects that are always linked to guaranteeing cultural rights, promoting democratic citizenship, and fostering a culture of peace.
The program has established credibility while inspiring motivation and trust, creating new hubs throughout the city and enabling local development.
4. Further information
Terrassa was a candidate for the fifth UCLG Mexico City – Culture 21 International Award (February – June 2022). The jury for the award drew up its final report in September of 2022, and requested that the UCLG Committee on Culture promote this project as one of the good practices implemented under Agenda 21 for culture.
This report was written by Imma Vilches García, Culture Officer, Terrassa, Catalonia, Spain.
Contact: Imma.vilches (at)