Heya Nouakchott, creative city

Heya Nouakchott, creative city

1. Tevragh Zeina and culture

Tevragh Zeina has an area of 83 km² and approximately 61,893 inhabitants, 38.18% of which are aged 15-40.

Segou, creative city

Segou, creative city

1. Segou and culture

Located on the banks of the Niger River, Ségou is the capital of the ancient Bambara Kingdom.

Building culture forward

Building culture forward

1. Ramallah and culture

Ramallah, located in the Palestinian West Bank, is an open and plural city that hosts citizens from all over Palestine with different backgrounds.

The municipal programme “Mérida resilient culture”

The municipal programme “Mérida resilient culture”

1. Mérida and culture

Founded in 1542, Mérida is the capital and most populated city of the State of Yucatan (Mexico), which is the most peaceful in Mexico according to the 2021 Mexico Peace Index and the second-most peaceful city in the world after Quebec, Canada.

Living community culture programme

Living community culture programme

1. Lima and culture

The Living Community Culture Program has been set up throughout the province of Lima, the capital of Peru. The city has 43 districts and nearly 10 million inhabitants.

Cultural resources climate change task force, California

Cultural resources climate change task force, California

1. California and culture

The project scope encompasses the entire State of California. With a large coastline, mountains, deserts, and land in between, the topography and climate of California represents most every situation the world might encounter.