Women Creative Hub in Amman

Women Creative Hub in Amman

1. Amman and culture

Amman (the Ancient Rabbat ‘Ammon (1200 BC) of the Ammonites and the Classical Philadelphia of Roman periods) has served as the ancient and modern capital of Jordan. It is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world.

Yeongdo-gu’s (Busan) Huinnyeoul Culture Village

Yeongdo-gu’s (Busan) Huinnyeoul Culture Village

1. Context

Called ‘Korean Santorini’ for a harmonised mingling of seashore lines and clis, the Huinnyeoul Culture Village has the blessings of scenic nature.

Living museum, producing city

Living museum, producing city

1. Context

Yalova is on the south of the Marmara Region in Turkey. Since the early Ottoman period, Yalova (or Yalakabad with its historical name) had been under Ottoman rule and in the periphery of Ottoman imperial centers.

2020 Taiwan lantern festival in Taichung, the Dazzling City

2020 Taiwan lantern festival in Taichung, the Dazzling City

1. Context

Taichung City, with 2.81 million inhabitants, is located in central Taiwan. It is a densely populated and economically powerful city. Taichung is among the top 100 most visited cities in the world and was named the most liveable city in Taiwan by a CNN report.

Yopougon: Becoming an educational and creative city throught social cohesion

Yopougon: Becoming an educational and creative city throught social cohesion

1. Context

Yopougon is the largest commune in the Côte d’Ivoire and one of the 13 communes in the District of Abidjan. With a surface area of 153 Km2, it was created in 1970 within the framework of an urban planning project to balance the sprawl of Abidjan.

Qingdao’s cultural and creative industrial park

Qingdao’s cultural and creative industrial park

1. Context

Qingdao is an important coastal and international port city. As of 2018, the city has seven districts and three countylevel cities and a permanent population of 9394,800.