Arts, culture and sports: educational and social transformation factors, Bogotá

1. Context

Bogotá is a city made up of 20 districts with a population exceeding 7.5 million. It faces segregation problems that the current Development Plan aims to address via means of mitigation. Moving forward with public policies for the removal of conditions of segregation and inequality related to the abilities of individuals, including the persistence of situations of exclusion and environmental risks and the commitment to strengthening governance in order to guide and support the collective aspirations of the citizens of Bogotá. Expanding the conditions in order to live longer, healthier and more creative lives, involves the necessary structural transformation of income, distribution of urban facilities, land use and the use of water resources.

Building a democratic, modern, sustainable, diverse and productive city for Bogotá means redefining its society's policy priorities in the XXI century, one of its principles being the prevalence of general interests over individual interests and the defence and strengthening of the public, placing protection of life as the basis of public action, providing opportunities for the performance of individual and collective capacities, equality on all levels of human existence, guaranteeing the right to the city.

For several decades and in an attempt to increase coverage, the hours of the school day had been declining, leading to the very notion of democratic ownership of the symbolic and cultural capital, based on the rationale of the school, being adversely affected. At the same time and under restricted conceptions of the cognitive development of the subject, in those few hours, there was an emphasis on curricula that valued the dimension of positivist rational thought in the individual, excluding other dimensions such as emotional, communicative and expressive aspects and especially in terms of creation and play, which are indispensable and part of the basis of access to the symbolic and cultural capital. The assets that the school was offering were increasingly less related to achievements and attainments relating to the subject.

The project aims to raise the social status and the access to and enjoyment of artistic, cultural and sporting events.

This led the artistic experience, in terms of practice and enjoyment, to becoming one of the issues performed increasingly out of school, while in contrast, the surroundings are frantically transformed by multiple and diverse flows of communication and expression and multiple languages and codes, which reconfigures corporeality. The distance between the subject and the surroundings is thus deepened; the contemporary achievements of society and the possibility of appropriating the knowledge needed for the performance as individuals, are denied. This perverse dynamic has an effect on various levels and in all districts of Bogotá. It is necessary for art and sport to be included in the school curriculum as necessary and constitutive expertise, i.e. knowledge of the field, in its own way, defining the character of the learner and in line with the characteristics of the contemporary world.

2. Bogotá and culture

The Department of Culture, Recreation and Sport pointed out, in 2012, at the start of the current Development Plan, that 'Bogotá Humana' wanted to increase the coverage of the supply of cultural, recreational and sports goods and services offered by the sector, either publicly and / or in partnership with the private sector. Also, human talent training was sought to be increased by 60% for culture, recreation and sport agents and organisations of sector.

Another major purpose of the plan was to grow the artistic, sporting and physical activity of the citizens by 5% and generate 5,000 job opportunities in the cultural, recreation, sport and physical activity sectors. Another proposed increase was in the readability rate of citizens by 10% and by the same percentage in artistic and cultural production, encouraged or supported by the public sector. And also, generating 5000 job opportunities in the sector activities.

Other major proposals included reducing the rate of sedentary persons aged 13 years and over by 5%, adding 7% to cultural assets (BIC) and increasing the supply of public space on 2 UPZ (Zonal Planning Unit ) with critical shortage. The Department reported that the shortage of cultural and sports facilities in locations that are deficient will be reduced by 2 points and that they are developing seven policy agendas for strengthening the fields of industry and consecration of cultural rights. Currently, these goals are developed in different programmes and projects and have shown results and impact on the accountability of 2013, attached to this form.

The Strategic Plan of Bogotá of 30 January 2014, establishes, in Article 1 concerning the Department of Culture, Recreation and Sport (SCRD): "We are the company leading the district public sector of culture, recreation and sport, to achieve the guarantee of rights and promotion of cultural freedoms of the citizens of Bogotá: through concerted public policy and a comprehensive management approach with a focus on the territory and population as essential conditions for quality of life, sustainability and democracy in the city”. It is worth pointing out that the concept of sustainable development is included as a basis for projects to be developed by the SCRD and particularly "Educators and Social Transformation”, unites the relationship between culture and sustainable development, according to the following items:

  1. Development of our own cultural sectors (namely heritage, creativity, cultural industries, arts, cultural tourism): The project model is certainly innovative. It goes beyond including the arts and sports education as a guarantee of cultural rights of children and guarantees a quality education. Engagement of new agents in the education system such as artistic groups, trainers and athletes, and opening the borders of school parks and special areas for sport and arts, involving the promotion of specific transformations in school life, in the school experience.
  2. Culture recognised in all public policies: A policy of artistic and sports education from the earliest stage, it is no longer only posed to train professional artists and athletes. The cultural policy should take responsibility both for early artistic education, based on cultural democracy, and the sustainability of creative, productive and competitive organisations. The sports policy should take responsibility both for early sports education, and the sustainability of sports, productive and competitive organisations.
  3. Creativity challenges related to human development and freedom: The District Human Development Plan of Bogotá 2012-2016, established under the framework of the Construction of knowledge programme: Inclusive, diverse and quality Education for enjoyment and learning, the priority project 'Educational Day' of 40 hours for Academic Excellence and Integral Training, whose goal is to "(...) the development of the city as a space for exercising active and peaceful citizenship, culture and art, sport, respect for nature and scientific thinking", requiring shared and joint work between the education sector and the cultural, recreational and sports sectors of the city.

In the longer term, this articulated process of the two sectors, culture and education, which is systematised and evaluated, will serve as an example to other cities that are seeking to integrate arts, culture and sport into education for academic excellence and comprehensive training.

3. Objectives and implementation of the project

3.1. Objective

Incorporate artistic, cultural and sports education by involving the cultural sector in the school day for 40 hours in educational institutions as a basis for comprehensive training for the balanced, creative, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and social development of children and youths.

3.2. Results

In 2013, 50,502 children and adolescents were served in the sector, of which:

  • 31,146 children and adolescents benefited, in 52 public schools in 17 locations and 26 sporting disciplines;
  • 14,235 children were served in 13 local centres of Arts for Children and Youths - CLAN, provided in the towns of Rafael Uribe U, Ciudad Bolivar (3) Suba (2), Engativá, Bosa (2), Barrios Unidos (2) , Fontibón and Kennedy and in other spaces;
  • 5,121 children and youths were served by centres for music, theatre and of these 505 in heritage of the Citizenship axis.
  • 104 related organisations: 84 organisations and artistic and musical groups and organisations involved 20 centres for sport.

Training of trainers:

  • 899 teaching artists and 463 instructors were hired at sports centres linked to the training of children, adolescents and youths;
  • 69 Quotas for scholarships of professions in the arts; 300 instructors in the field of sport, physical activity and recreation trained through a diploma; and 100 musicians in training courses at the National University;
  • 2 Universities worked on proposed models for monitoring and assessing the involvement of culture in 40x40. The IDRD conducted a study on various aspects associated with the sports training of students with instruments applied to more than 6,500 children.

The objective is to incorporate artistic, cultural and sports education through the participation of the cultural sector in the school day of 40 hours in educational institutions as a basis for comprehensive training for the balanced, creative, cognitive, emotional, social and aesthetic developments of children and young people.

3.3. Prospects

  • IDARTES 37,000
  • OFB 7,800
  • IDPC 1,500
  • IDRD 45,000
    TOTAL 91,300

The immediate prospects for the intervention of the sector in 40x40 are concentrated on consolidating the model of care and strengthening cultural, artistic and sports agents for their involvement in the education of the children, adolescents and young people of Bogotá, as well as in a simultaneous process, compliance with the care goals for this year. In the longer term, this articulated process in the two sectors, culture and education, which is systematised and evaluated, will serve as an example for other cities seeking to integrate arts, culture and sport into education for academic excellence and comprehensive training.

4. Impacts

4.1. Impacts on local government

The local government will have more educators who consider culture as a pillar of social construction within the district scheme and coverage of culture in education will increase according to the growth sustained during these two years in office.

4.2. Impacts on culture and cultural workers in the city

For arts and cultural organisations, receiving resources to strengthen their practices, having permanent action scenarios, expanding the scope of their public and their actions, participating in processes of training of trainers, generates a major impact because for the school community to receive training in fields that many actors defined as being "in debt" has represented a broad perspective for the actions of their students, such as the school opening towards greater visibility scenarios and an increased generation of professional expectations. Along with the artist, school goes with the everyday life that constitutes the culture and art of the community, locality and territory.

4.3. Impact on the city / territory and its population

  • 31,146 children and adolescents benefited, in 52 public schools in 17 locations and 26 sporting disciplines;
  • 14,235 children were served in 13 local centres of Arts for Children and Youths - CLAN, provided in the towns of Rafael Uribe U, Ciudad Bolivar (3) Suba (2), Engativá, Bosa (2), Barrios Unidos (2) , Fontibón and Kennedy;
  • 5,121 children and youths were served by centres for music, theatre and of these 505 in heritage of the Citizenship axis;
  • 84 organisations and artistic and musical groups;
  • 20 organisations linked to the centres for sport;
  • 899 teaching artists and 463 instructors were hired at sports centres linked to the training of children, adolescents and youths;
  • 69 Quotas for scholarships of professions in the arts; 300 instructors in the field of sport, physical activity and recreation trained through a diploma and 100 musicians in training courses at the National University;
  • 2 Universities worked on proposed models for monitoring and assessing the involvement of culture in 40x40;
  • The IDRD conducted a study on various aspects associated with the sports training of students with instruments applied to more than 6,500 children.

4.4. Cross-disciplinary impacts

Undoubtedly, this programme faces many challenges. Evaluation is one of the most important of these. The expansion of the coverage, development and sustainability of equipment and the ongoing training of trainers, are also important challenges. However, achieving a greater social appreciation for artistic, cultural and sporting activities, is the fundamental measure. A basis and arrival point for policies that guide the Department of Culture, Recreation and Sport in Human Bogotá.

It is necessary for art and sport to enter into the school curriculum as necessary knowledge and constitutive expertise.

4.5. Continuity

This project is innovative in the Development Plan. It is expected that upon the completion of the plan in 2016, the new government will continue the work begun in this office and enable the extension of care centres (CLANES) and other training scenarios, increase sports teachers in education centres, and continue the Heritage work in "Civinautas" to continue with the educational process of creating an area of ethical relevance in terms of the right to memory.

5. Other Information

The City of Bogotá was nominated in the first edition of the "UCLG International Award - Mexico City - Culture 21" (January-May 2014). The Jury for awarding the prize produced its final report in June 2014 and asked the UCLG Committee on Culture to propagate this project as an exemplary practice.

Application approved in September 2014.

Good practices published in October 2014.

This record was written by Viviana Toledo Orozco, District Directorate of International Relations.

Contact: Adriana.lopez (at)



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Arts, culture and sports: educational and social transformation factors, Bogotá