Parks and public gardens of Kazan

Parks and public gardens of Kazan


In 2005, on the verge of celebrating its 1000th anniversary, the city of Kazan undertook a rapid and significant transformation: among many initiatives, it resolved its issues of dilapidated housing in the city center,

Points of culture in Panama

Points of culture in Panama


Panama City was founded 500 years ago and is the oldest European settlement in the Pacific Abya Yala region.

Mannheim's Oriental Music Academy

Mannheim's Oriental Music Academy


The city of Mannheim, in Germany, has always been regarded as a model of diversity and peaceful coexistence, as its history is inextricably linked with immigration.

Small Theatre - Great Place for Inspiration

Small Theatre - Great Place for Inspiration


Pavlograd is a small industrial town located in the eastern part of Ukraine, and the centre of Western Donbas mining industry, with coal mining and metal industries as its core economic activities.

Modern 21st Century Libraries in Montreal

Modern 21st Century Libraries in Montreal


The City of Montreal is renowned worldwide for its effervescent cultural environment, universities, creative industries, and for its status as a designated UNESCO City of Design.