Center Rog Creative Hub – The revitalization of a former factory

Center Rog Creative Hub – The revitalization of a former factory

1. Ljubljana and culture

Center Rog is located in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, a medium city with 280,000 inhabitants. The former Rog factory is the most important piece of 20th century industrial heritage in the city.

Culture of Moscow. Online

Culture of Moscow. Online

1. Moscow and culture

Moscow is a modern European megacity with 875 years of history and 12.5 million people.

Kraków culture: Resilient culture

Kraków culture: Resilient culture

1. Kraków and culture

Kraków is a European metropolis, the second most populous (with more than 780,000 inhabitants) city of Poland and the capital of the Lesser Poland Voivodoship. The Old Town was inscribed onto the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1978.

Culture Connects

Culture Connects

1. Brasilia and culture

The Federal District is home to 3 million people, and is made up of 33 administrative regions.

Flash Forward - Creative laneways programme

Flash Forward - Creative laneways programme

1. Melbourne and culture

Metro-Melbourne has a population around 5m. Consistently recognised as one of the world’s most liveable cities, Melbourne’s greatest strength comes from its diversity with thirty-four per cent of the city’s residents born outside of Australia.

The San Angel Flower Fair

The San Angel Flower Fair

1. Context

The Flower Fair is a tradition of the former town of San Ángel, located in the south west of Mexico City (now part of the city), which has been celebrated for 165 years.