Youth and cultural citizenship in Yopougon

Youth and cultural citizenship in Yopougon

1. Context

With a population of 1,071,000, and located in the city of Abidjan, Yopougon is a lively cultural centre where youth, artists, cultural entrepreneurs, and non-profit organisations, all play an essential role.

Solo, the Spirit of Java

Solo, the Spirit of Java

1. Context

Surakarta, known as Solo City, is in the Central Java Province of Indonesia. The city is a "melting pot" of ethnic (Arab, China, India, etc.) and religious (Muslims, Christians, Buddhist, Hindu, etc.) diversity.

Rouyn-Noranda, Cultural capital

Rouyn-Noranda, Cultural capital

1. Context

Founded in 1926, Rouyn-Noranda is a city with 41,934 inhabitants, located 600 km to the northwest of Montreal, whose economy has historically been based on mineral and forestry resources.

Arhus, a library becomes an open knowledge centre

Arhus, a library becomes an open knowledge centre

1. Context

Roeselare is a medium-sized city of more than 61.000 inhabitants in Flanders, Belgium. The city was looking for a place for a new library as two independent libraries were merging.

Quebec's Agenda 21 for culture

Quebec's Agenda 21 for culture

1. Context

The province of Quebec is the largest in Canada with a surface area of 1,542,056 km2. In 2013 its population was estimated to be over 8 million people.

International impact through the Hamuy Cocha Festival, Puno

International impact through the Hamuy Cocha Festival, Puno

1. Context

The City of Puno is located along the shores of Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world at 3860m above sea level. Puno is considered the folkloric capital of Peru, and is home to the most number of traditional dances in the country.