Social and cultural activities during the pandemic: Konya model

Social and cultural activities during the pandemic: Konya model

1. Konya and culture

The population of Konya (Turkey) is around 2.3 million, in a surface area of 41,001 km2. Described as a granary with its leadership in agriculture, Konya has also become an industry and trade centre.

Santa Fe's Cultural Capital

Santa Fe's Cultural Capital

1. Santa Fe and culture

Santa Fe is one of the ten largest and oldest cities in Argentina.

Culture plan / Covid-19 Health emergency mode

Culture plan / Covid-19 Health emergency mode

1. Concepción and culture

The city of Concepción is located 500 km south of Santiago, along the Bio-Bio River. It has an area of 221 square kilometres and is home to 230,000 inhabitants.

Cultural arts policy in the pandemic era

Cultural arts policy in the pandemic era

1. Jeju and culture

Jeju’s policy aim is to create a culture-friendly environment that supports the creative works of artists and allows residents to fully enjoy a range of cultural arts in their everyday lives.

Women Creative Hub in Amman

Women Creative Hub in Amman

1. Amman and culture

Amman (the Ancient Rabbat ‘Ammon (1200 BC) of the Ammonites and the Classical Philadelphia of Roman periods) has served as the ancient and modern capital of Jordan. It is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world.